
The goal of this website is to provide a calendar with football matches from your favorite teams. Each calendar would have a different URL, and then you can import these URLs into whatever app you use (e.g., Google Calendar). So you'd be able to see when that next important match is happening and be aware of conflicts when scheduling other things.

So how do you get a calendar for, e.g., Atletico Mineiro (wiki)?
  1. The first thing you need to do is find out the ID for the club. If you don't know that yet, you can go to https://footcal.cbdm.app/search to look for it. You can type "atletico" in the search box and hit the button, then you should see a long list with a bunch of Atleticos there. For each team you should see their logo (if available), name, country, year it was founded, and ID. You can use these pieces of information together to find the correct row you need. For example, if you search for atletico, the first row seems to have the correct name we want "Aletico Mineiro". But all the other fields are missing: no logo, no year, no country. If we scroll down, you will find "Atletico-MG", which has the correct logo, year, and country. So this is the correct entry! From this row, we know that the ID for Atletico Mineiro is 1062.
  2. Next, once you know the ID for the team you want, you can create a URL that will have that team's game. Using the example above, we know the team ID is 1062. Then, we can get the base url for this website (https://footcal.cbdm.app/) and add /team/1062 at the end. This would create a final url with https://footcal.cbdm.app/team/1062, which is the calendar URL we need for the next step. If you want the calendar of a different team, you would just use the different ID in this part, replacing the information after the /team/. You can also get the URL with the "copy calendar URL" button from the results page or from the homepage where we have the currently active calendars.
  3. Finally, you can enter this URL into your calendar service. Keep in mind that by default (and with no current plans of changing), we only serve results from at most a week ago, and future matches that happen up to the end of the next calendar month. So, for example, if you're getting a calendar on 2023-07-20, it should have results from 2023-07-13 to 2023-07-19, and future matches from 2023-07-20 to 2023-08-31.
    But you don't need to worry! Since your calendar should request updates occasionally, you only need to add it once, and everything else should be self-updating. Whenever your calendar service asks for an update, it will be at a later day, and thus this window-ed calendar will move forward. The only downside is that we don't give you past results, but that's not the goal of this app :)
  4. If you want to add a calendar for a competition instead of a single team, you can follow these same instructions, but use https://footcal.cbdm.app/search-comp

Google Calendar

If you're using Google calendar, by default, custom calendars you subscribe with URLs are only visible in the web version. You'll need to go to syncselect (https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/syncselect) to be able to access this calendar on your other devices.
Other services might have something similar to this, but I'm not familiar with those, sorry.